Pengaruh Servant Leadership Terhadap Employee Loyalty di Rocky Plaza Hotel Padang


Haadi Razzak Ramadhan
Arif Adrian


This research aims to investigate the influence of servant leadership on employee loyalty at Rocky
Plaza Hotel Padang. Identified issues include a high employee turnover rate, low communication
skills, lack of leadership attention to employee work-life balance, and oe employee loyalty. The
research objectives include a description of servant leadership and employee loyalty. This study is
expected to provide theoretical contributions for hotel management, employee, future researchers,
and the author. The tourism sector in Padang City, especially at Rocku Plaza Hotel, is experiencing
growth. However, employee turnover rates remain high, and employee loyalty needs improvement.
Servant leadership is considere a leadership style that can enhance employee loyalty. Companies
need to a pay attention to factor affecting employee loyalty to create a better working environment.
The research method used is causal associative with a quantitative approach through surveys. The
research population consists of all employees at Rocky Plaza Hotel Padang, with sampels selected
using purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected through questionnaires with a Likert scale
to measure the variables of servant leadership and employee loyalty. This study was conducted to
evaluate the relationship between servant leadership and employee loyalty at Rocky Plaza Hotel
Padang. A total 96 respondents, with the majority aged 26-30 years and having worked at the hotel
for 2-5 years, were surveyed. Data analysis revead a positive and significant influence between
servant leadership and employee loyalty.


How to Cite
Ramadhan, H., & Adrian, A. (2024). Pengaruh Servant Leadership Terhadap Employee Loyalty di Rocky Plaza Hotel Padang. JURNAL KAJIAN PARIWISATA DAN BISNIS PERHOTELAN, 5(2), 79-88.


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