Pengaruh Brand Awareness dan HargaTerhadap Keputusan Pembelian Jasa Kamar di OYO Kota Padang
This research is motivated by the development of the Hospitality business in Indonesia which
continues to experience visible growth in recent years, with more and more accommodation service
providers emerging, ranging from offers at affordable prices to expensive ones. One of the lodging
service providers known to the public as pocket-friendly lodging is OYO Rooms. Some guest reviews
via Google reviews contain many problems with price, cleanliness, problems with complete
facilities, service and so on. This research aims to conduct an analysis of Brand Awareness and
prices at OYO Padang city. In this research, the use of quantitative methods is used. The type of
research utilized in research is causal associative or relationships of cause-effect. The data was got
through results from survey which were divided into respondents who were the research objects.
58. The Brand Awareness variable average is 3.791 with criteria in Good. The Price variable was got
average 3.712 with good criteria in Good. Then the purchasing decision variable was got average
is 3.792 with criteria in Good. So, there is an influence in positive and significant of Brand
Awareness on the decision to purchase a room at OYO Padang city. There is also an influence
between price and the decision to purchase a room at OYO Padang city. The Brand Awareness and
Price variables have an influence on the purchasing decision variable, so H1, H2 and H3 are
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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